Had a nice jog over 4.7km http://runkeeper.com/activity?userId=1273423&trip=655966286…
Had a nice jog over 4.7km http://runkeeper.com/activity?userId=1273423&trip=655966286
Open Source Software and publications by Christian Kruse
This page contains random thoughts and impressions by me.
Had a nice jog over 4.7km http://runkeeper.com/activity?userId=1273423&trip=655966286
Although I'm not a good designer I'm satisfied with what I achieved 😀 Thanks for everybody who was helping me!
Finally! My iPhone is back from repair
Just had a nice, relaxing jog over 5,7km http://runkeeper.com/activity?userId=1273423&trip=653906030
Woah, I have to try this at home! http://boingboing.net/2015/09/04/watch-add-butane-to-a-bottle.html
Getting up early always sucks… *sigh*
Danke - werde ich :)
Ah - ja, absolut ACK. Ich habe mich dagegen ausgesprochen, aber der Chef wollte nichts davon hören. Mir ging es auch nicht um das Nespresso per se, sondern darum, dass ich Kaffee-Durst hatte in dem Augenblick. War vielleicht ein doofes Bild dazu, ja.
Ah. Also nichts technisches. Naja, du sollst es mir ja auch nicht madig reden sondern erklären, was du doof findest. Wie soll ich mich sonst weiter entwickeln wenn immer nur geschwiegen wird? :)
Warum kannst du das nicht favorisieren? Aber danke! 😀
Is there a proper way (as in: a .deb
package) to get #Golang 1.5 on Debian Wheezy?
About to release a software project I've been working on for about three months without feedback. What could possibly go wrong…
Janosch Traumstunde, verdammt ist das lange her.
Ok, implemented caching and gzip compression, disabled cookies for the public part, fixed SSL problems, added a lot of meta data and began to implement an articles module (30%). Enough for tonight!
Late night hacking is almost always productive
Sleepless. Maybe I should get up and get some work done
WWWTech.de is now HTTPS only. Encrypt all the things!
openssl dhparam -out dhparam.pem 4096 waiting damn this takes long.
Morning! Now off to playing cards with some friends :)
Remember: SELFHTML convention is in a few weeks! http://wiki.selfhtml.org/wiki/SELFHTML:Verein/Treffen_2015
This IndieWeb stuff is pretty interesting. I'm somewhat satisfied what I achieved in just 1,5 days of work. Next step: HTTPS only.