Ok, I give up. Seems as if I’m no longer…
Ok, I give up. Seems as if I'm no longer part of the OS X target audience.
Open Source Software and publications by Christian Kruse
This page contains random thoughts and impressions by me.
Ok, I give up. Seems as if I'm no longer part of the OS X target audience.
Overall performance decreased a lot, too. Even a clean re-install didn't change anything.
Really disappointing how bad OS X got in the latest releases. In my setup I get beachballs regularly; during these beachballs (round about 30s-60s) the complete UI is frozen. I've also got problems with my external monitor regularly. Currently I'm using Linux again because OS X is simply unusable in its current state.
Pretty neat! Nice producing, nice song (although it is very... soft ;-)
Stay heavy!
Most tv series got boring after a few episodes. But Mr Robot? I've just been watching s1e9 and… wow.
Wow. Mr Robot is definitely the best TV series I've been seeing for ages.
Oldie but goldie: Queensrÿche -- Empire -- Anybody Listening?. Even after all those years I still love this song.
Natürlich begrüsst mich der Münstersche Bahnhof mit einem Regenschauer. Münster halt. Es regnet oder es läuten die Glocken.
Caution: I'm now using a new GnuPG key, fingerprint: BC5D 9F4E F7FB 4382 6056 E834 B8E0 F342 A99A 9D73
Selectivity is definitely worth a look!
What does „good” mean in the context of Hiphop? ;-)
I tried Reggae some time ago, it's not my favourite kind of music but I like it. Same with Dancehall – e.g. Seeed is nice.
Ok, I forced myself to listen to Hiphop for a day now. Now my ears are bleeding, but I still don't get it.
Believe me: USD 135 is not very much for a keyboard. The Maltron keyboards are much more expensive and the Happy Hacking Keyboard HP costs about USD 4400.
Guns have changed! https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=30&v=LORVfnFtcH0
I would have visited this programming course as well! But my courses always were just Java http://lukaskalbertodt.github.io/2015/10/09/building-an-sql-database-with-10-rust-beginners.html
Oh wow! Redhat acquires Ansible http://lwn.net/Articles/661015/rss
I wish I had time for WoW sigh
It's fascinating how much faster Emacs under Linux is
I'm tempted, too…
I did a clean install – it is the perfect chance to get rid of old bullshit ;-)
It was broken. Beachballs every few minutes for about 10 seconds, w/o a visible cause for it. It drove me mad.
Late night work: reinstalling the MacBook sigh