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Emacs 29: Install Tree-Sitter parser modules with an Emacs package

Christian Kruse,

Sadly installing grammars has to be done manually, and it is not trivial: you need to compile a grammar and copy the resulting .so or .dylib file to the right directory. To make handling a bit easier I wrote a small Emacs package for that: treesit-parser-manager.

You define a list of parsers and treesit-parser-manager takes care of the rest. For example my list looks like this:

(setq treesit-parser-manager-grammars



         ("tree-sitter-typescript/tsx" "tree-sitter-typescript/typescript"))





This defines a list with the grammars for Rust, TOML files, Elixir, TypeScript and TSX, JavaScript, CSS, SCSS and JSON. Now I can call treesit-parser-manager-compile-or-update and my little Emacs mode installs (or updates) the desired grammars.

A complete setup using straight could look like this:

(use-package treesit-parser-manager
  :straight (treesit-parser-manager :host codeberg :repo "ckruse/treesit-parser-manager" :files ("*.el"))
  :commands (treesit-parser-manager-install-grammars



      ("tree-sitter-typescript/tsx" "tree-sitter-typescript/typescript"))




  (setq treesit-extra-load-path (list (expand-file-name "tree-sit" user-emacs-directory)))
  :hook (emacs-startup . treesit-parser-manager-install-grammars))

I hope this helps some fellow Emacs users!