Elixir: converting a database table to CSV with Ecto
You would basically build your query with the from/2
function like always. Then you can wrap that to Repo.stream
and build your stream pipeline:
file = File.open!("test.csv", [:write, :utf8])
Repo.transaction(fn ->
from(row in Table)
|> Repo.stream()
|> Stream.map(&build_csv_row/1)
|> CSV.encode()
|> Enum.each(&IO.write(file, &1))
This piece of code does the following steps:
- it opens a file for writing
- it starts a transaction (DBMS like PostgreSQL and MySQL/MariaDB need the transaction for cursors)
- it builds a query
- it builds an Elixir stream from that query, fetching 500 rows at a time by default
- it calls a function
for each row - it then encodes each row to CSV using the CSV library
- and last it unwraps the stream and writes each row, in order, to the file we opened above
Clean, simple and nice :-)